Monday, September 30, 2013

Character growth

This week in Literary strategies we are trying a new strategy called character growth.

I did this weeks blog on a new book I started titled, "The Sky is Everywhere" by Jandy Nelson.
The book is from the main character, Lennie's, point of view.

This is my character consideration for my character growth on Lennie.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Talking Drawing

This week in class we are trying a new strategy called talking drawing strategy. This is a strategy where you start with a drawing (what you think something in the story is going to look like) and then after reading you draw a second image and compare the 2 images.

As you can tell, Wonder has many Star Wars references so this was my drawing before we read.

This is a brief over view of what happened since the last time.

Auggie cut his braid off (another Star Wars reference).
He had a birthday party at a bowling alley. He invited everyone in his homeroom because he didn't want anyone to feel left out. Only about 5 of his friends came, everyone else responded that they could not come because they had other plans. This made Auggie really sad.

Auggie refers to himself as the old moldy cheese. He got this reference from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. There was old moldy cheese in the gym in the story that no one wanted to touch. He thinks he is that the old moldy cheese that nobody wants to touch.

Halloween is Auggie's favorite holiday so he was so excited to dress up.

When he walked in to class, Jullian was dressed up as dark sidious. He was talking to a mummy and Auggie could hear them talking about him. The mummy talked and said that if he looked like Auggie he would probably kill himself. Auggie knew right there from hearing the voice who it was.. It was Jack Will. Jullian asked Jack why he hangs out with him so much then and Jack responded that the principal told him to be nice and must have told all the teachers to put them together. Auggie was so hurt. He went to the nurse to complain of a stomach ache and his mom picked him up. He missed the rest of that day as well as the next day of school.

So, after reading this part and seeing the star wars references, I decided to draw this picture.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This week in literacy we are using visual strategies to try and comprehend our readings.

We left off last time with Auggie over hearing that his parents wanted to send him to school. Since the last time I have posted we saw Auggie go take a tour of his new school. He had three "friends" that were showing him around, there was Charlotte, Jack Will, and Jillian. They all took him on a tour to show him the classes he would be in. Charlotte talked a lot and probably gave Auggie so much information that he wasn't even listening at this point. Jack Will was a kind hearted kid. It almost seemed like he was looking out for Auggie. Then there is Jillian. He definitely was not the nicest kid around and while they were on the tour he just decided to ask Auggie, what happened to your face? Charlotte and Jack Will responded with you can't ask him that and that's rude Jullian. But Jullian did not seem to care, he proceeded with his question anyway. He asked, "What happened anyway, did you get caught in a fire." Auggie didn't really seem to answer and at this point all he wanted to do was go home.

Once Auggie and his mom got home Auggie went right up to his room and threw himself on his bed. He did not really know how he was feeling but it was a combination of happy and sad. His mom knew something was wrong and proceeded up to his room to talk to him but she couldn't fit because their dog daisy was taking up the whole bed.

In this part of the story it says how Auggie was scratching daisy so she was doing that thing with her leg where she keeps moving it. I can definitely relate to this because my dog does this all the time. He for one always takes up the bed so you can never lay there and two he always does that thing with his leg when your petting him and it feels good! i couldnt get a video of my dog because he's at home, but here is a video so everyone can know what I mean :)
(video from youtube)

Anyway, Auggie's mom was saying how Jullian was such a nice kid, but Auggie begged to differ. He told his mom about how Jullian had asked him what had happened to his face and she immediately felt bad and said he did not have to go to school if he did not want to.

But Auggie had made up his mind and decided that he wanted to go

The first day of school mom, dad, and via walked Auggie to his school. Mom was taking pictures of Via and Auggie because it was their first day of school. Auggie's mom was so sad when she hugged him that he thought she was going to cry. Auggie could tell this so he quickly hurried away because he did not want to be embarrassed.

I can relate to this because my mom did the same thing. She use to take pictures of my sister and I getting on the bus every year for our first day. Also, when I left for college my mom cried and didn't want to leave me. I mean I didn't run away and leave her there, but I understand how Auggie felt when his mom started crying because he was starting a new journey.

Auggie was in his homeroom and his teacher wasn't exactly what he was expecting. He thought she would look like Ms. Fowl from Jimmy Neutron.

(Image from google)

In class, everyone had to say their names and 2 things they want everyone to know about them. This made Auggie super nervous because he didn't want everyone staring at him. When it was his turn he was shy and just said he had a sister and a dog. After each person goes the teacher asks if anyone has any questions for the person. When it was Auggie's turn just guess who had a question.. that's right... Jullian.

Jullian proceeded to ask questions that eventually turned in to if he liked Star Wars. Auggie said yes and Jullian asked him who his favorite character was. Auggie answered and Jullian said well I would've thought it would be dark sith.

 (Image from google)

Auggie was hurt by this because in one of the episodes of star wars, dark sith gets burned and his face becomes all deformed. Auggie thinks that Jullian said this on purpose and when he took one look at Jullian he could tell, Jullian knew exactly what he was talking about.

Auggie moved on to his next class with Mr. Brown. Auggie seemed to really like this class and Mr. Brown's ideas of precept. At the end of the chapter auggie finally decided that he was going to like school no matter what.

Until next time, keep wondering..

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The relationship between music & reading

In our last class on September 4, 2013 we continued with our read aloud on the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

The class before we had begun reading this book and figured out that there was a boy named August who was born with a disease that deformed that way he looked. When he was born the nurses and doctors rushed him out of the room and his parents were left there to wonder what was going on.

In class, we discussed a literacy strategy to use with students to help them comprehend the story a little better. We discussed linking the words we are learning to songs we know.

This song, Wonder by Natalie Merchant is referenced in the beginning of the story. It truly gives you goose bumps and can give a little insight into the story.

The story continued on and we met the main character so far which were August (Auggie), his mom and dad, and sister Via. Via was always standing up for August and he thought it was because she felt bad for him.
We then are introduced to August's best friend, Christopher. One day August, mom, and dad are visiting Christopher and his family at their house when August over hears his mom talking to Christopher's mom about August attending Beecher Prep.
Obviously, Auggie was upset by this news not understanding why he had to go. I think he was most worried because he did not want people to make fun of the way he looked. When we were reading this part combined with the whole beginning of the story of how Auggie felt about his image, I could not help but think of...
"Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera
That's where we left off today, so until next time, keep wondering :)