Monday, September 23, 2013

Talking Drawing

This week in class we are trying a new strategy called talking drawing strategy. This is a strategy where you start with a drawing (what you think something in the story is going to look like) and then after reading you draw a second image and compare the 2 images.

As you can tell, Wonder has many Star Wars references so this was my drawing before we read.

This is a brief over view of what happened since the last time.

Auggie cut his braid off (another Star Wars reference).
He had a birthday party at a bowling alley. He invited everyone in his homeroom because he didn't want anyone to feel left out. Only about 5 of his friends came, everyone else responded that they could not come because they had other plans. This made Auggie really sad.

Auggie refers to himself as the old moldy cheese. He got this reference from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. There was old moldy cheese in the gym in the story that no one wanted to touch. He thinks he is that the old moldy cheese that nobody wants to touch.

Halloween is Auggie's favorite holiday so he was so excited to dress up.

When he walked in to class, Jullian was dressed up as dark sidious. He was talking to a mummy and Auggie could hear them talking about him. The mummy talked and said that if he looked like Auggie he would probably kill himself. Auggie knew right there from hearing the voice who it was.. It was Jack Will. Jullian asked Jack why he hangs out with him so much then and Jack responded that the principal told him to be nice and must have told all the teachers to put them together. Auggie was so hurt. He went to the nurse to complain of a stomach ache and his mom picked him up. He missed the rest of that day as well as the next day of school.

So, after reading this part and seeing the star wars references, I decided to draw this picture.

1 comment:

  1. Paige, you should become an artist. Your drawings are so good, kind of makes me embarrassed don't look at my page now! haha. You explained talking drawing so well. If any other person outside of our class read this they would understand it right away. You pictures flow so well with your explanation of the book. You also made great connections with Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Star Wars, I totally forgot about the old moldy cheese one. Great job!
